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What Can You Do About Rosacea?

This topic is actually close to my heart because I personally have struggled with rosacea as have many of the clients I work with (specifically women). The aesthetician in me wants to provide some clarity around rosacea as it is a very frustrating skin condition that can cause a ton of emotional stress and anxiety. 

Root Causes your Doctor may not be addressing:

  • Insulin Resistance

  • Toxin Buildup

  • Inflammation in Gut Lining/Sibo/Chronic Gut Conditions

  • Damaged Skin Barrier (likely from over treatment, chemicals, harsh products)

  • Liver Stagnation

  • Bile Stagnation

Girl with rosacea

If you are hoping that topical prescriptions are going to be your cure for your rosacea you will be sadly disappointed. And if you are told you need to be on antibiotics, or acne medication to treat your rosacea symptoms, I would advise you to seek out other options. These are temporary solutions that will produce long term frustrations down the road! 

Rosacea can be looked at as a way your body is communicating with you. How's that for a reframe? Rosacea is INTERNAL! Ok?! You must understand this. When you reduce inflammation in the body and heal the body, your skin will improve. 

Now, as someone who likes to approach things from a multifaceted approach, I am not saying to not address your rosacea with topical solutions. That being said, when it comes to rosacea, a simple and gentle approach will be more beneficial than anything! 

Things that can help

  • Dial in your nutrition & gut health (Consider Metabolic Balance, it is fantastic for skin conditions)

  • Stop over cleansing and over treating. 

  • Avoid or limit alcohol 

  • Incorporate exercise and breath work into your daily routine

  • Focus on improving your skin's microbiome (TIP: Home-made Kefir masks are fantastic)

  • Address underlying trauma and self-worth 

If you find yourself struggling with rosacea or other skin conditions, Metabolic Balance may be right for you.  It is a fully personal program based on your blood chemistry, including identifying the food proteins that trigger autoimmune responses.  My coaching programs use the information Metabolic Balance provides to help you achieve your goals, whether that be feeling more energetic, losing weight, and/or addressing skin conditions




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