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5 Things you can do NOW that will Uplevel your Health Journey

Your health is your responsibility and putting things off until you feel comfortable, or when it’s convenient for you may have bigger repercussions in the long run. 

Life is busy, there will always be an excuse or reason as to why you can’t prioritize your health and your goals, but here’s the thing…

Any change in your life is uncomfortable at first, AND sometimes it means doing hard things. The good news is that we all can do hard things! 

And, usually the hard part is getting out of our own way because many times the things we think are “HARD” really aren’t. 

What gets in the way is our brain convincing us that we can’t do it, or we aren’t capable of it. 


woman; meditation

Here are 5 Things You Can Start Doing That Will Have a Profound Impact!

  1. Heal Your Gut - This likely will be the biggest game changer when it comes to your overall health and metabolism. You can try to skirt around it, but it will always keep popping up. 

  2. Choose foods with 1 ingredient at best, OR with very FEW ingredients! - Inevitably this eliminates a lot of crap and keeps you focused on WHOLE Foods. 

  3. Drink Purified Water - Yep, pretty simple. Drink half your body weight in ounces of water daily and avoid all the other liquids that really aren’t serving you. Avoid plastic and non-purified water. Extra points if you add electrolytes!

  4. Move your body - But seriously…get up, walk, jump, hike, MOVE! You don’t need a fancy gym, or fancy equipment to see results. You can move in ways that feel good to you. Don’t feel pressured to be the next fitness model, just move every single day! 

  5. Have a Spiritual Practice - If you don’t heal on a soul level, you will not heal. This will look different for everyone. For some, it means working on healing your nervous system, or incorporating breathwork/meditation, or it could be therapy, prayer, journaling. Whatever you choose it needs to be consistent and non-negotiable. 




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