Despite your best efforts, you just aren't where you want to be...
Do you feel FRUSTRATED? What used to work just isn't producing the same results.
Do you feel ready for a solution that produces LONG-TERM results.
Are you experiencing BURN OUT? Nagging health issues, inflammation, stress, and are tired of the band-aid approach?
Limiting Beliefs holding you back? Negative self talk, fear of failure keeping you from your full potential.
Maybe you just feel like no one really sees you or understands what you are going through.

Been there, Done that!
I'm here to offer you a New Perspective.

Rachel Justicia,
Certified Nutrition Coach, Metabolic Balance Practitioner, NLP Practitioner & Licensed Aesthetician
Hey! I'm Rachel and I Get it!
I weighed close to 200 pounds before the age of 16. I spent much of my life feeling "NOT GOOD ENOUGH."
I went to great lengths to PROVE I was enough. I compromised my own health, in exchange for the pursuit of perfection, a number on the scale, the "chase."
This left my body tired and my spirit broken. After the birth of my son, I battled a chronic illness for over 4 years, and after hitting my BOTTOM I was left no choice but to face my old traumas, and completely redefine what health and confidence truly meant for me in midlife.
This journey allowed me to create a solution for women just like you, who are in perimenopause and menopause to help you lose stubborn weight, improve your overall health, and create a lifestyle that supports your energy and vitality!
The comprehensive weight loss and wellness solution for women in perimenopause and menopause.

No matter where you are in your health or weight loss journey, I want you to know that RECLAIMING a healthier version of YOU is entirely possible. Health is not a "one size fits all" approach, but it also doesn't have to feel overly complicated. Traditional approaches and popular "weight loss" programs tend to fall short and focus on "quick fixes." The MIDLIFE BREAKTHROUGH METHOD is designed to look at ALL of YOU, so you can take control of your health, achieve sustainable weight loss, and break free from exhaustion and cultivate life-changing results!​​
Let's Redefine Midlife Together!
This is exactly why I incorporate METABOLIC BALANCE - a holistic and science-backed approach that combines expert nutritional guidance. In addition, the MIDLIFE BREAKTHROUGH METHOD combines expert mindset coaching, and personalized strategies to help you overcome hormonal challenges, break free from exhaustion, and cultivate long-lasting wellness. More than a program - Your Roadmap to Vitality!


Personalize your heath journey!